Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Animated Widget Contact Launch [App Review]

As great as an Android-equipped device may be, there are a few stock features that are far from perfect.  One of my least favorite is contact accessibility.  It just feels clunky and not as efficient as many of the other amazing functions of my phone.  The Animated Widget Contact Launch by Mobility Publishing offers a solution to improve accessibility to your contacts.  This app creates icons for your contacts, each with pop-up options for text, voice, and email. 

Pros: Animated icons that provide an interesting alternative to the current stock features.

Cons:  Any app with animated features serves as a resource hog.  I doubt this is any different. 

You can download this app here.


  1. gotta be careful getting applications that use up a lot of your resources, even if you have a computer. Many people don't realize that even your antivirus/firewall can be a resource hog.

  2. nice app and nice blog man :)
    following ^^

  3. I shal file this under 'neat idea'

  4. this person has impressive contacts.

  5. That does look kinda handy.

  6. if you've got the cpu and battery to spare...

  7. I wouldn't like this probably because I like my technology to be fast as lighting!

  8. this looks great but it would definitely slow down my shitty G2

  9. I've used something similar before on my Android and I found it great but removed it for the obvious reason : ressource hog.

  10. Nice! I'm an amateur developer and I've been trying to get into android apps, but it seems the iPhone market is much more profitable or so they say!

  11. It does look pretty cool but i'm pretty sure it takes up a lot of resources

  12. worth trying
    if it uses much resources, i will delete it though

  13. wow that guy even has Obama's number.

  14. I don't think I can find a practical use for it, so I'll pass this time around.

  15. Haven't seen this. Will definitely give it a try. Thanx

  16. I wish I had obama's number...

  17. I've been looking for this kind of thing for a while, I'll try it out.

  18. solid looking contact widget! i use a simple scroll contact widget that displays the contact pictures. this one looks pretty cool though. good find. keep the reviews coming!


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