Monday, December 20, 2010

Crazy Snowboard [App Review]

While there are plenty of high-quality games available through the Android market, the majority of these are not free.  For that reason alone, Crazy Snowboard stands out in the crowd.  This app has been available to iPhone users for quite sometime and is now one of the newest and hottest apps on the market. Sporting amazing 3D graphics, 30 missions, several interesting obstacles (snowmen, elves and zombies), this game has proven difficult for me to put down.  The developer has even provided a great tutorial to help new users become comfortable with the controls.  

Pros: High-end graphics and intuitive controls without taxing the processor on my phone.

Cons:  This game has dramatically affected my productivity.

Give this app a try by downloading it here.

App Score: 4.5/5


  1. You had me at snowboard! Haha

  2. This game looks really fun! I love games that have to do with snowboarding :D

  3. Hm. I don't play a lot of games on my phone, but this looks pretty sweet

  4. My phone can't handle this :/

  5. hey billy, thanks again for a great post, would you be able to do like 'most needed apps' or something like that, cause i want to know what to get for my android hahah :)

  6. i love snowboarding and i'm so going to get this game

  7. THIS GAME IS THE SHIAT! I downloaded it the other day (thank god for app brain). FUCKING AWESOME. It's like jesus christ, right there in the palm of your hand, shredding down the mtn. I nostalgiad hard for Tony Hawk! <3 Crazy Snowboard!

  8. That actually looks pretty awesome :D

  9. I don't like the snowboarding games for phones... Strange controls

  10. The most wonderful time of the yeaaaaaar

  11. looks great, love these winter sports games


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